The members of the Assistant Cathedral Organists Association are all serving Cathedral Assistants (Organists or Choir Directors), or those who work in similar roles in similar institutions. There are some members who are Directors of Music in large parish churches...
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The Association of Cathedral Clerk of the Works was formed: to provide mutual support and encouragement and as a central information point for Cathedral Clerk of the Works/ Works Managers; to be supportive to all cathedrals by giving aid/help/information not...
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The Association of Cathedral Lay Clerks is for the permanent, professional, adult singers of UK cathedrals and similar choral foundations. The term "lay clerk" is generic but includes lay vicars, vicars choral, songmen, choral bedesmen, etc. The aims of this...
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Enabling the mission and ministry of cathedrals through effective and efficient business management CAFA was formed in the 1980s to encourage the sharing of best practice and excellent standards of administration and financial management within the 42 English Anglican Cathedrals...
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Shops in churches and cathedrals help to extend the ministry of the church by providing a service for both pilgrim and visitor. Their profits make a valuable financial contribution to their church. To ensure this, they need to be effectively...
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The Cathedral Architects Association exists to promote excellence in the care of the country’s cathedral buildings and for the benefit of its members, to offer mutual support and to share experience. Full membership is open to those who are appointed...
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The Cathedral Archives, Libraries and Collections Association aims: To advance education by the promotion, preservation and protection of cathedral archives, libraries and collections in the United Kingdom and Ireland; and To ensure the provision of appropriate access thereto. More information can...
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There are three cathedrals in England which employ constables to keep watch, a tradition that can be traced back to the early 13th century. They are Canterbury Cathedral, York Minster and Liverpool Cathedral. Constables are few in number, around 50...
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The Cathedral Organists Association provides a forum for directors of music of cathedral and collegiate foundations in Great Britain to meet twice annually for professional development and support. The conferences take place at a broad geographical spread of the member...
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Cathedrals Plus is the network for all those engaged in welcoming visitors to places of Christian worship. The two main strands are those responsible for visitor care and those responsible for education. Membership includes almost every Anglican Cathedral, several Roman...
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The Cathedrals’ Workshop Fellowship (CWF) is an association of eleven Anglican cathedrals established in 2006 to provide education and training for the craftsmen and women who maintain our cathedrals and other historic buildings. The organisation’s mission is to support the...
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The Association (CSA) represents 44 schools attached to cathedrals, churches and college chapels in Great Britain and elsewhere. We continue the tradition of ensuring that children who love to sing get an exceptional education and musical training in the our...
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The College of Deans provides the opportunity for the Deans of Church of England cathedrals, and the Deans of St George’s Chapel, Windsor and Westminster Abbey, to meet to discuss matters of mutual interest and to provide support and assistance...
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The Deans' Vergers Conference was initiated in 1989 for Head Vergers and retired Head Vergers of the 42 English Anglican Cathedrals and the two Royal Peculiars to meet, provide support and discuss matters of mutual interest. An Annual Conference is...
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The Precentors’ Conference is open to all those Canons, Minor Canons and Incumbents who are responsible for Music and Liturgy in the Cathedrals, Peculiars and Greater Churches of England, and in the Cathedrals of other parts of the British Isles...
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