Newport Cathedral – New Installation for Advent

11th December 2023

Members of the community of Newport Cathedral from The Church in Wales have come together to create a new installation for Advent that tells the story of Mary and Joseph and asks where is God in our city today.

Newport Cathedral community creates new posada installation that invites people to ask where is God in our city today

The Dean of Newport, the Very Revd Ian Black said the cathedral community wanted the posada to represent all aspects of the city as Mary and Joseph looked for a place to stay.

He said:

“Newport is a railway city so there’s a train track running all around the installation.

“Their journey starts in the wetlands with a focus on the environment and the challenge facing everyone today, it then moves to the transporter bridge reflecting our industrial heritage, then on to the story of the founding of the Cathedral through a vision and call, the role of the Chartists and the call for justice, and it ends asking where does Jesus find a home.

“It is wonderful to have this imaginative installation in the Cathedral during Advent. 

“Through this posada, we journey with Mary and Joseph through areas of Newport on their way to find a place for the Christ-child to be born.

“It asks questions of us, of our hospitality to Christ and others, and through the four stations, of how we find Christ in our city today, “ he added.

The installation was made by a group from the Cathedral community, including choristers, under the direction of Wendy Diamond, the partner of the Bishop of Monmouth, the Rt Revd Cherry Vann.