Chichester Cathedral Peregrines
29th March 2023
Chichester Cathedral’s peregrine falcons are preparing for the forthcoming breeding season and have been sighted regularly from the Cathedral grounds.
Chichester Cathedral peregrines prepare for forthcoming breeding season
For more live peregrine falcon webcams, click here. There are many webcams at Cathedrals across the country.
Over the years, the peregrine falcons have delighted visitors with sightings from the Cathedral grounds from March until August, and have amassed a significant online following, observed virtually through a live-stream on the Cathedral website.
The peregrine project is collaboratively run by Chichester Cathedral, the Sussex Ornithological Society (SOS), Carnyx and local wildlife enthusiasts David and Janet Shaw who have been observing the birds since 2001.
This year, there will be a series of drop-in Open Days run by David and Janet Shaw (all weather permitting) so that visitors will have a chance to watch the peregrines through telescopes, view live footage, and learn more about the birds and their activities. These Open Days will be taking placeWednesday – Sunday from 10th June – 9th July 2023 on the Cathedral Green.
David and Janet said:
“This year we are looking forward to an exciting season. Two live cameras showing all the action makes it very interesting for the public to watch online. We are also running more than 20 Open Days during June and July, sharing these charismatic birds with visitors, using all the latest electronic gadgetry. We can’t wait to welcome you all!”
A Cathedral spokesperson said:
“We hope our visitors, and those online, enjoy the experience of seeing these amazing birds making the Cathedral their home. We are grateful to the volunteers involved in this project, to Peter at Carnyx for enabling these amazing creatures to be seen internationally thanks to the live-stream cameras, and to David and Janet who have been leading this project for over twenty years.”
Peregrines were seen on the tower in the mid-1990s. They have been very successful nesting on the Cathedral and have fledged more than 70 chicks since 2001. These magnificent birds of prey can grow up to half a metre in length and have a wingspan of over a metre. They live for 15 to 18 years and are the fastest animals in the world, diving at speeds of just under 250 miles an hour to catch their prey.
If you spot the peregrines, either in person or online, share the moment with us using the hashtag #ChichesterPeregrines on social media.