World Day of Prayer

28th February 2024

Communities across Bradford will come together this Friday for a prayer vigil for international peace to mark World Day of Prayer.

Prayers for peace for all people across the world this World Day of Prayer.

World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement led by Christian women and dates to the 19th century. It takes place on 1 March every year.

This year the theme is “I beg you, bear with one another in love” and Bradford Cathedral has organised a service around this message which will include music, readings and prayers.

Later that evening different communities from across the city will take part in a ‘Prayer Vigil for International Peace’.

The Revd Pete Gunstone, Minor Canon for Worship and Nurture, said:

“At a time of international tensions and conflict in different parts of the world, we are inviting people from all communities to gather here together on World Day of Prayer to pray for international peace.”

The Revd Cathy Milford, co-lead on the day’s activities explained that since the World Day of Prayer was established almost a century ago, 146 countries have joined the movement and take turns to prepare the annual service to enable better understanding.

This year it is the turn of Christian women of Palestine.

She said:

“On this World Day of Prayer, the Christian Women of Palestine are calling us to connect with the land from where Jesus came; where he was born, ministered and died – and from where our faith began and is rooted.

“Despite living in an area of the world where there is ongoing conflict and the future is uncertain, the women of Palestine are sharing with love a reminder that they are there, and they want to give hope to everyone.”

Bradford Cathedral – Friday 1 March – World Day of Prayer service at 2pm and the Prayer Vigil For International Peace at 6pm. 

Free seats can be booked on ChurchSuite via or you can turn up on the day.