Ready Steady Cook with Dean of Leicester and dog

02nd November 2020

And now for something completely different.

Ready Steady Cook … with the Dean of Leicester and his dog Barney!

The Dean of Leicester is inviting guests to don their aprons and get ready, steady, to cook their own meal for this year’s annual dinner to raise funds for the life and ministry of the Cathedral.

For the first time in these unprecedented days, Leicester Cathedral is holding its annual Guild of St Martin’s fundraising dinner online – and inviting guests to cook the same meal as the Dean, the Very Revd David Monteith before joining him at his table, all virtually of course.

A film of Dean David cooking the three-course meal (with a little help from Barney the dog) will be released ahead of the dinner date on Wednesday (Nov 4) at 7pm.

There is musical entertainment from the cathedral music department, a short quiz and a silent auction and the speaker for the evening is the first bishop of Loughborough, Bishop Guli who will speak on Belonging and Becoming.

Guests will have the option to join others in virtual breakout tables of between six and ten – either people that you arrange in advance – or someone new and picked at random by experienced technical wizardry.

Anyone is welcome. Tickets are £10 per person. Book by clicking here.