Prayer for HM The King Charles III
06th February 2024
Prayers for HM The King are being offered daily in our cathedrals following the announcement of his cancer diagnosis yesterday.
A Prayer for HM King Charles III following Cancer Diagnosis
The King made it clear that he wishes the news of his illness to raise awareness for all those suffering from cancer and all our cathedrals are open for people to come in and light candles, say prayers or simply just to remember others in their families and their wider communities affected by cancer.
The Dean of St Albans, the Very Revd Jo Kelly-Moore and the chair of the Association of English Cathedrals, said:
“We pray for the King’s health, for Her Majesty The Queen, for his family, and for all who care for him.
“We remember with thanksgiving and prayer the medical teams caring for him and for all those who are undergoing diagnosis and treatment at this time.
“As The King encourages understanding for all those who are affected by cancer, we also hold dear those in our wider community who continue to be affected by cancer.
“The Cathedral is open each day for prayer and reflection, and this is a space where all are welcome and held.”
The Reverend Canon Dr Roland Riem, Vice-Dean of Winchester said:
“Many of us would have been saddened to hear of HM The King’s cancer diagnosis.
“Please join the Cathedral in praying for him in the coming weeks as he undergoes treatment, and for the Royal Family.
“King Charles wishes for his illness to raise awareness of those suffering from cancer throughout the world; as well as praying for them, let us remember to offer those whom we know our love and care.
“If you have cancer, please let Cathedral clergy and other friends in this community of compassion share the burden with you.”
Download the prayer below.