Good to Go – St Albans Cathedrals at Night

20th July 2020

Drum roll please … St Albans is Good to GO as it opens its doors for a Cathedral At Night experience

We are super pleased to announce that St Albans Cathedral is inviting visitors to discover it in a new light when it opens its doors for a Cathedrals at Night event this Friday (July 24).

Find out more about the St Albans Cathedrals at Night event here.

St Albans is offering visitors the chance to discover more about its medieval past with activities to tell the story of its ancient wall paintings with guided tours by costumed guides and prayer stations available too.

It also hopes to open its café and shop for the first time and offer a service of Compline.

The event runs from 7pm until 10pm when people can just drop in to St Albans –awarded Visit Britain’s We’re Good To Go charter mark – and discover the space for themselves.

St Albans is the first of our cathedrals to hold a Cathedrals at Night event after being closed for more than three months due to the lockdown.

This campaign was launched for the first time by the Association of English Cathedrals (AEC) to mark 2020 Year of Cathedrals, Year of Pilgrimage. Every Church of England cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Cathedral Isle of Man, and St Davids and St Asaph from the Church in Wales, had planned to open their doors after hours on at least one evening throughout the year to welcome in people of all ages to experience and explore their beautiful buildings and to enjoy a taste of cathedral life by offering a mix of cultural, heritage and spiritual activities – all free of charge.

The first Cathedrals At Night event took place in Rochester Cathedral at the end of February under Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon installation in the nave before the country was put into lockdown due to the pandemic.

This marks the start of our cathedrals being able to re-open their doors to visitors and tourists after the Government allowed them firstly to re-open for private prayer and reflection from June 13, and then for public worship from July 4.

Over 30 of our cathedrals – including St Albans – have already been awarded the We’re Good To Go COVID-19 industry standard and consumer mark to reassure worshippers and visitors alike that clear processes are in place that adhere to the latest Government and Public Health guidance.