Commemorating Windrush 75: Bristol Cathedral

21st September 2023

Bristol Cathedral is commemorating Windrush 75 with two photographic exhibitions and a spoken word display.

Commemorating Windrush 75: Bristol Cathedral

All the work has been brought together to honour those who came from the Caribbean and made their home in the city.

The Dean of Bristol, the Very Revd Dr Mandy Ford, said

“We are thrilled to have these exhibitions in Bristol Cathedral to honour the contribution of those who have come from the Caribbean to make their home In England and particularly In Bristol. 

“I hope that these photographs will not only shine a light on the culture of these communities but also Inspire conversations between generations as we all consider what we have Inherited from our parents and grandparents.”

There are two photographic exhibitions: Windrush: A Voyage through the Generations by Jim Grover in which he explores how the subsequent generations are living their lives today.

While Pioneers by photographer Garfield McKenzie features the Windrush Generation in Bristol and examines how these elders paved the way for the generations of black British communities living in the UK today.

Commemorating Windrush 75: Bristol Cathedral

When you visit a relative’s house (spoken word) is a poem written by the Bristol City Poet 2022-2024, Kat Lyons, to mark Windrush 75 and visitors can hear Kat read the poem on a screen inside the Cathedral.

Commemorating Windrush 75: Bristol Cathedral

The exhibition is free to visit and on display from this Friday (September 22) to October 25.