Cathedrals light up blue and yellow as they pray for Ukraine

25th February 2022

Cathedrals are lighting up in the colours of the Ukrainian flag where they can this weekend and are praying for Ukraine.

Cathedrals light up for Ukraine

Peterborough Cathedral lit up blue and yellow last night, Lincoln Cathedral will light up blue and yellow this weekend while Ely cathedral is lighting up its famous Octagon in the colours of the Ukrainian flag.

Prayer stations have been set up alongside space for people to simply reflect, and light candles as the invasion of Ukraine intensifies.

Cathedrals will  join other members of the Anglican Communion in a wave of prayer for Ukraine on Tuesday 1 March at 1800 following the call by the Diocese in Europe.

The Very Revd Adiran Dorber, chair of the Association of English Cathedrals and the Dean of Lichfield, where prayers have been offered at the foot of the cross every day since the invasion started to ask God for reconciliation and peace, said:

“We are at a perilous situation where war in Europe is more likely than it has ever been since 1945.

“We lament the invasion of Ukraine and fear for the consequences. 

“We can only hold this tragedy before God and pray Jesus’s last words on the cross;  Father forgive and then ask the Holy Spirit to equip us to be peace-makers, healers and reconcilers through practical acts of compassion and the pressure we bring to bear on leaders and governments to work for peace founded on justice.”

Below are prayers from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and the Dean of Southwark for Ukraine. 

Prayers for Ukraine - Archbishop of Canterbury