Event Details
- Location: Gloucester Cathedral
- Address: College Green, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 2LX
- Start date: 14th May 2022
- End date: 14th May 2022
- Times: 7pm-10pm
- Entry fee: Free, booking advisable
You’re invited to come and explore your Cathedral after dark and experience this remarkable medieval building like never before. Bring your family and friends along – all are welcome.
There will be candlelight, wonderful choral music, storytelling, and spaces for reflection and prayer. You’ll also have the opportunity to explore some of our off-show spaces; discover astrology in the library, see the city at night from the top of the tower, visit the candlelit crypt, and explore where Harry Potter was filmed in a new light.
Visitors are encouraged to book entry timeslots online in advance. Booking information to follow.