Cathedrals welcome support, both financial and through volunteering. For more information about how to support individual cathedrals, please visit their websites (see the Cathedrals page).
Cathedrals are also supported by their Friends organisations. These can be contacted through cathedral websites.
The English Cathedrals Fund (charity no. 1148698) exists to support the conservation, repair and development of cathedrals of the Church of England, the contents of such cathedrals, and their precincts. Its trustees are also members of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England and use their extensive knowledge of cathedrals and their buildings in order to focus funds where they are most needed.
All cathedrals are able to apply for grants for major fabric repairs from this fund which administered by the Cathedral and Church Buildings Division of the Archbishops’ Council, part of the Church of England. To make a donation, please click on this link, or to discuss ways of supporting cathedrals please contact Becky Clark, Director, Cathedral and Church Buildings Division (020 7898 1887).