Winchester Cathedral – Climate Change Harvest Festival
08th October 2019
Climate change was the focus for this year’s traditional harvest celebrations at Winchester Cathedral over the weekend. As well as traditional
08th October 2019
Climate change was the focus for this year’s traditional harvest celebrations at Winchester Cathedral over the weekend. As well as traditional
20th September 2019
The carbon footprint of 901 year old Peterborough Cathedral is set to reduce significantly thanks to a major sponsorship deal with an
20th September 2019
Prayers highlighting the earth’s climate emergency will be said at York Minster on Friday 20 September – Global Climate Strike day. The
13th September 2019
Many of our cathedrals are opening their doors to take part in the biggest Heritage Open Days event so far to mark its 25th anniversary.
13th September 2019
Schoolchildren are being bussed in to see it, there’s a conference organised to look at ways to tackle it, a book to pledge yourself to it, and a