Divine Beauty Launched – Birmingham Cathedral
13th January 2020
They were kept safe for the nation in Welsh slate mines during the Second World War and today they are one step closer to being renewed and
13th January 2020
They were kept safe for the nation in Welsh slate mines during the Second World War and today they are one step closer to being renewed and
10th January 2020
More Year of Cathedrals celebrations taking place at Salisbury, Exeter and Sheffield Cathedrals. Sarum Lights – Salisbury Cathedral2020 Sarum
10th January 2020
Our cathedrals are lighting up as part of Year of Cathedrals, Year of Pilgrimage. Carlisle Cathedral presents City of Lights, starting February
10th January 2020
Spectacular sound and light shows transform English cathedrals marking the start of 2020: Year of Cathedrals Year of Pilgrimage. English
09th January 2020
Some Cathedrals, such as Birmingham and Bristol, sit squarely and comfortably in their cities as part of a rich tapestry of the culture of the