Truro Sing2G7 gets ready for G7 Summit
09th June 2021
Truro Cathedral has announced a programme of events to help us think about the climate emergency and the impact the pandemic has had on all our lives to coincide with the G7 Summit in Cornwall this weekend.
Truro Cathedral gets ready for G7 summit: Are you?
The 35 Truro Cathedral Choristers will lead the worldwide Sing2G7 initiative, which seeks to make children’s voices heard with the song specially written by Sir Tim Rice Gee Seven – and raise vital funds for VaccinAid.
Tomorrow (Thursday) there is a CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) live-streamed event organised in conjunction with Christian Aid, Tearfund, World Vision, Islamic Relief and Faith for the Climate, hosted by Truro Cathedral for people of faith to reflect ahead of the G7 summit and send a message to world leaders. People are invited to join in where they are from their mobile devices and laptops.
Living for Tomorrow is a seminar – also live-streamed – this Saturday with reflections on the challenges and opportunities of living together in a post-Covid world with Lord Williams of Oystermouth, former Archbishop of Canterbury, Professor Michael Northcott, environmental theologian, and students from Truro College.
There’s a young pilgrims service for all young people to help think and connect with the issues raised in the G7 summit. And Saturday will also see the Cathedral’s first live concert since the pandemic, with the Cathedral Choir showcasing the Gee Seven song and music from the G7 countries in their own language. The choristers are donating the royalties from the Gee Seven single to Unicef’s ‘Give the World A Shot’ Vaccinaid appeal via Crowdfunder
Concert link here.
More about the concert, A Whistle Stop Tour of Beautiful Choral Music from the G7 Nations.
And there’s a young pilgrims service for all young people to help think and connect with the issues raised in the G7 summit.
All details on the website here