Tim Peake’s Soyuz has Landed – Peterborough Cathedral
08th August 2018
The spacecraft which transported Tim Peake, the UK’s first European Space Agency astronaut, to and from the International Space Station, has landed at Peterborough Cathedral.
The Soyuz TMA-19M capsule, complete with equipped interior and scorch marks on its outer body from its re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, will be displayed along with its 25m diameter parachute and Tim Peake’s own Sokol KV-2 emergency spacesuit as part of a national tour presented by the Science Museum Group and global technology innovators Samsung.
Peterborough Cathedral won a national competition to be the sixth venue on the tour, during which the spacecraft travels to eight cities across the UK. It is the only non-museum venue on the tour.
Peterborough celebrates its 900th anniversary this year. The ancient building took 120 years to construct using the state-of-the-art technology of its day and hosts a memorial to one of the most prolific and respected amateur comet and nova hunters of all time, Peterborough-based George Alcock MBE.
The display of this iconic craft will be accompanied by Space Descent VR, presented by the Science Museum Group and supported by Samsung – a unique virtual reality adventure using Samsung Gear VR technology. Narrated by Tim Peake himself, Space Descent VR recreates the experience of making the incredible 250-mile journey back down to Earth from the International Space Station inside a Soyuz capsule.
The Cathedral will present a programme of space-themed activities during the exhibition, including a holiday club entitled ‘Be an Astronaut for a Day’ and a StarDome presented by Leicester’s National Space Centre.
Museum of the Moon, a touring artwork by Luke Jerram, will also be on display during the Spacecraft’s showing, presented as part of Vivacity’s ‘Without Walls’ programme from 5th to 14th October.
The Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough, said:
“Science and religion offer us complimentary views of what it means to be human, and invite us to explore meaning and purpose as well as the mechanics of creation.
“We are proud to host the space capsule and hope that all who come will be able both to delight in human ingenuity, and also reflect on the mystery and love that lies at the heart the universe.”
On show from Saturday 11th August to Monday 5th November 2018.
Find out more here > Tim Peake’s Soyuz at Peterborough Cathedral