Southwark Cathedral’s evening with Sir John Eliot Gardiner

20th August 2013

Internationally renowned conductor, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, will be presenting a one-off evening of music and readings from his new book ‘Music in the Castle of Heaven’ which offers a unique insight into the life of JS Bach. This wonderful evening takes place at Southwark Cathedral on Monday 30 September at 7pm.

Gardiner, who is recognised as the world’s leading conductor of Bach’s music, will present a fascinating evening demonstrating how the composer’s music worked, how his music is constructed, how it achieves its effects-and what it can tell us about Bach the man. This evening will appeal to all performers, listeners and scholars.

Join Sir John Eliot as he discusses his new book (to be published by Allen Lane, early October) in the stunning surroundings of Southwark Cathedral for a night of great entertainment and music to discover Sir John’s favourites from amongst the recordings of the Monteverdi Choir and Chorus.

Further information and tickets are available here.