Salisbury Cathedral – singing opportunities
20th August 2013
Salisbury Cathedral is promoting two opportunities for children to sing – as members of its Junior Choir and as choristers.
Salisbury Cathedral Junior Choir is looking for new members who would like to join this fun choir, learn to sing to a high standard and take part in a variety of concerts and special events. The choir is non-auditioned, free of charge and open to all boys and girls in school years 4-8. They rehearse each Saturday morning during term-time and have become a valued part of the Cathedral’s and Salisbury city’s music making.
The coming term has many special events for the choir including taking part in informal concerts in the Cathedral, the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Young People’s festival service, BBC Wiltshire carol concert recording, carol singing at Salisbury Christmas Market and the Cathedral’s Christmas Eve family service. They celebrated the end of the summer term by raising just over £150 in one hour for the Stars Appeal entertaining visitors, family and friends in glorious sunshine in the Cathedral Close!
SCJC is led by Ian Wicks, well known for all the outreach singing courses he has run in many schools in Wiltshire and Dorset, and is fully supported by the cathedral’s musicians. More details are available from
Salisbury Cathedral Choir is inviting children to ‘Be a chorister for a day’. The annual open day for boys and girls in school years 2, 3 and 4 will be held on Saturday 16 November 2013. The day includes rehearsing and singing alongside the cathedral choir and is an informal and friendly way to find out about the opportunities and fun offered by chorister life.
David Halls, the cathedral’s Director of Music, said “The children have a good time with the current choristers. As well as singing together, they can ask them all the questions they’ve ever wanted answered about life as a chorister – the daily routine, concerts, tours, recordings, radio and TV broadcasts, not to mention all the extra-curricular activities which choristers enjoy. Parents and guardians have their own schedule allowing them to gain an insight into chorister life from a family perspective and time to discuss all that is involved with the relevant cathedral and school staff.
Our aim is to reach families with musically talented children who are not aware of what life as a chorister at Salisbury Cathedral offers. We want to break down the mystique and myths surrounding chorister life – our choristers are ordinary children from ordinary homes who have a talent for music. True, these youngsters work very hard but they play hard too, their singing is widely appreciated and they learn important life skills. Our open day is a good way to show families what a fantastic time choristers have and see for themselves that becoming a chorister here is both desirable and possible.”
For further details and an application form please email: