Bells ring in Peterborough Cathedral for the NHS
06th July 2021
Just in case you missed them….here are Peterborough Cathedral bellringers ringing a quarter peel to say thank you on NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day yesterday.
Peterborough cathedral: Bells ring out in thanks to the NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers.
They were just one of many cathedrals that joined in the nationwide bellringing initiative to mark our gratitude and respect for all those working on the frontline in the NHS and the health and social care professions.
Only six bellringers are allowed in our Cathedral towers to comply with current Covid safety measures – and in some places, like Bradford Cathedral, just one bell was rung to mark the 73rd anniversary of the National Health Care Service.
And ironically, Peterborough’s bellringing plans were slightly delayed as one of the ringers, a GP, was delayed at work.
Hear the peel here.
Helena Thorpe, Ringing Master at Peterborough Cathedral said:
“I think we can all appreciate the hard work and dedication of the NHS over the last 18 months and all other key workers. Plus the sacrifices our young people have made in the disruption of their education and the restrictions we have all endured in our efforts to control this virus. Ringing the bells is a demonstration of the gratitude of the people of Peterborough for all this hard work and our hope that the worst is now over.”
Salisbury Cathedral was amongst a number of high profile buildings that lit up blue to mark the anniversary and Worcester Cathedral’s famous bells also rang out yesterday evening to support this first national day of recognition to mark the anniversary of the birth of the National Health Service in 1948.
The Dean of Worcester Cathedral, Peter Atkinson, said:
“The NHS has been treasured since its inception, but never more so since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020.
“We are proud to ring our bells to show our gratitude and support to all of our doctors, nurses, paramedics, carers and other critical workers who gave their all to keep our essential services running while the country faced the pandemic.
“We also remember all those who have lost their lives to this dreadful disease and their loved ones who are left behind.”
The national day raised funds for NHS Charities Together, which supports 250 hospitals and their charitable trusts, and the National Care Association, representing 1.6 million workers caring for some of society’s most vulnerable citizens.