Peregrine – Pilgrim
26th June 2024
Peregrine puppets join the Alban pilgrimage for the first time this year!
DYK the word peregrine means pilgrim?
Inspired by the hundreds of thousands of people tuning in to watch the peregrine webcams at St Albans Cathedral, the organisers and puppet makers behind the annual city’s annual pilgrimage included two new additions into the procession this year.
Join the thousands watching the peregrine webcams – click here to see all the live webcams.
The Cathedral’s own breeding pair of peregrine falcons, Alban and Boudica, have been immortalised as puppets and took their place in the procession for the first time on Saturday. The real Alban and Boudica have successfully bred three chicks on the tower at St Albans this year – and almost 400k people have tuned in to the webcams to watch their progress).
A spokesperson for the cathedral said:
“The word ‘peregrine’ itself means ‘pilgrim’, so it is only right that they should feature with the thousands of other pilgrims who were with us for this great celebration.”
Thousands of people joined in the Alban Pilgrimage on Saturday.The annual Pilgrimage – organised by St Albans Cathedral – is a spectacular parade of giant puppets that tell the story of Alban, Britain’s first Christian martyr.
Photos : Toby Shepheard