New Dean for Newcastle Announced

25th June 2018

A passionate advocate for the North East: New Dean for Newcastle announced. 

The new Dean of Newcastle will be the Archdeacon of Northumberland, the Venerable Geoff Miller, it has been announced.

Geoff, 62,  has been Acting Dean of Newcastle since January and is a passionate advocate for the North East.

His appointment comes at an exciting time for Newcastle Cathedral as it progresses with its ambitious £6 million Common Ground in Sacred Space project to transform the nave, renew visitor facilities and reshape external spaces.

The work will return the Cathedral to the community hub role it has played in the city centre for centuries, and shortly it will be submitting its Round Two application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The Bishop of Newcastle, the Rt Revd Christine Hardman said:

“Geoff is passionate about the North East and about Newcastle, and I am excited to be announcing his appointment as our next Dean. He has played a pivotal role in our Diocese for many years and is deeply committed to serving our communities.

“This is an extremely exciting time for Newcastle Cathedral and Geoff’s inspirational leadership will ensure it continues to be a place of sanctuary, hospitality, welcome and worship for everyone working and living in the city centre, and for the whole of our Diocese as its Mother Church.”

Geoff said:

“We are on the cusp of something truly exciting here in Newcastle. There’s enormous energy and excitement as we look to the future of our wonderful Cathedral.

“We strive to be bold in everything we do, and together with our city centre partners, we’re committed to making sure Newcastle has a cathedral to be proud of – one that is diverse, visibly proud of its heritage and welcoming to everyone.”

Watch a video of Geoff here: This is my favourite view of Newcastle Cathedral

Read the story in full on the Newcastle Cathedral website here: Bishop of Newcastle appoints new Dean of Newcastle