Message from the AEC for this Holy Season
28th December 2023
From the Dean of St Albans and AEC Chair, the Very Revd Jo Kelly-Moore.
Across our nation, the lights of this Christmas season are shining out. Each of our Christmas traditions speak of a part of the story of God coming among us in the child in the manger. Christmas lights are a symbol of the star that shone on that holy night. They also remind us of the words that Jesus spoke, that the love he showed the world, in his birth and by his death, would bring the light of life to all people and to all creation. Jesus called each of us to be bearers of that light.
In our world where for many this Christmas the light seems dim, or cannot be seen, may we remember the truth made known in a manger that the darkness will never overcome the light and may we each take up the opportunities we have to let that light shine, especially for those most in need.
Dean of St Albans and the chair of the AEC, the Very Revd Jo Kelly-Moore.
Photo : Advent service at St Albans that starts in darkness and ends in light
Credit Tony Shepheard / Story Picture Agency