Future-proofing Cathedrals – Dean of Liverpool

22nd July 2019

The Knife Angel, Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon and Gaia and Light Night – It’s been a busy year for England’s newest and largest cathedral, Liverpool with a host of creative art installations and worship, which go to the heart of its strategy for a bright inclusive future.

In a bold annual review, her first since becoming Dean, the Very Revd Sue Jones said:

“Cathedrals that fail to adapt will fail to thrive, fail to survive. We owe it future generations to prevent this from happening.”

Published this week – Liverpool Cathedral’s annual review comes in the wake of visitor numbers that showed over 200,000 people saw Luke Jerram’s giant artwork of the earth Gaia in its Great Hall last month.

“I intend Liverpool Cathedral to thrive into the future,” she said.

“That’s why occasions like Gaia are important to us as they show how cathedrals can connect with the wider community. ”

It is a bold acknowledgement that creativity holds the key to fresh encounter and fresh witness and this has been positioned at the heart of its strategy to serve the city and the region.

“I’ve seen a cathedral community that cried with the city, cheered with the city, fed the city and prayed for the city,” said the Dean.

“I’ve seen a cathedral that fulfils a massive role within the civic, economic and spiritual life of the city. It’s all about encounter,” she added.

“People encounter the cathedral for a host of different reasons and that’s how it should be.”

“We say we were built by the people, for the people to the Glory of God.”

“To live up to that we have to help people encounter us. And as they encounter us they should encounter a great welcome and encounter a God who knows and loves them.”

“That’s what cathedrals should be. That’s what cathedrals should do. That’s what has been highlighted in the national reviews into cathedral ministry. And Liverpool Cathedral is one of the pioneers in creatively thinking for the future,” she added.

Read and see the whole annual review of Liverpool Cathedral by clicking here.