Exeter Cathedral’s Canon Treasurer takes his Running Shoes to Work!
07th August 2024
Not so sure what Exeter Cathedral’s Canon Treasurer had in mind when he took his running shoes to work in anticipation of meeting ultramarathon runner, Frank Wainwright.
Exeter Cathedral’s Canon Treasurer takes his Running Shoes to Work!
Frank, 54, arrived at Exeter Cathedral as part of his fundraising challenge, running between every cathedral in England and was met by Canon Chris Palmer.
A keen runner, Canon Chris welcomed the ultramarathon runner and decided to accompany him along part of his way.
Canon Chris said:
“I’ve read about his monumental Tour of England and am delighted that I’ll get to hear first-hand just what it’s like to be running so far and visiting so many wonderful places.”
Frank’s Big TOE (Tour of England) is a 2,000-mile loop, linking all 42 cathedral cities, running, on average, 30 miles a day.
Frank is aiming to complete 62 ultramarathons in 62 days, to raise money for youth children’s charities.
He hopes to encourage and support the connection between urban life and outdoor wellbeing while raising funds for youth charity, Brathay Trust.
His day-by-day itinerary can be viewed on his website here.
Photo credit: Exeter Cathedral/Ella Foster.