Durham Cathedral – Community of Prayer
22nd October 2020
On Sunday 25th October Durham Cathedral launched an online Community of Prayer following the huge uptake of its digital worship since lockdown.
Durham Cathedral to launch online Community of Prayer in wake of huge success of worship in lockdown
The Cathedral said it had became clear following lockdown on March 23 that an online community was starting to rapidly build, with a core group of close to 200 people engaging proactively with each service, and an average of 1,300 people returning to engage with an online service at some point later in the day.
While daily congregational worship has now resumed in the church, the new online community will allow those who regularly join an act of worship, or are interested in doing so, but who are unable to visit Durham in person, to continue their connection with the cathedral and become part of a larger online Community of Prayer.
Durham Cathedral’s Canon Chancellor, Canon Charlie Allen, said:
“I am overjoyed to be launching our new online Community of Prayer. Lockdown showed us just how many people across the globe have a real connection to Durham Cathedral and we want to build on this sense of community in a positive and meaningful way by forming this shared space of prayer. I am hopeful that our new online community will become a useful resource for those who would like to deepen their sense of belonging to Durham Cathedral and explore their faith, while also combatting some of the loneliness felt by many at this time.”
The Community of Prayer is free to join.
It will take the form of a invitation to a closed community Facebook group as a focal point for prayer, communication and discussion; a monthly Zoom gathering to explore questions of common interest; as well as access to special events such as bi-monthly quiet days.
Reflective resources will also be available for members to tap into to aid their journey in prayer and discipleship. The most important aspect of the dispersed community will be for members to embrace a simple and flexible rhythm of life involving a commitment to prayer, learning, and living the values of a Christian life.
The cathedral is continuing its digital ministry by offering regular online services to Facebook as normal.
Anyone who is interested in joining is invited to visit the cathedral website here where you will find more details and a short pre-membership form to complete.
FIND OUT MORE … An online event to find out more about the Community of Prayer will be held this Sunday at 7pm – booking essential. Click here.