Birmingham Cathedral secures HLF grant for 300th celebrations
03rd June 2014
Birmingham Cathedral has been successful in securing a grant of £98,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to support the programme of activities planned for the Cathedral’s 300th Anniversary (tercentenary) in 2015.
The tercentenary project includes a range of exhibitions, events, trails, a film, a guidebook and an archival project to celebrate and enable people to learn about the heritage of the cathedral. In addition the project includes a significant programme of repairs to the fabric of the historic Grade I listed building.
Catherine Ogle, Dean of Birmingham, said: ‘We are thrilled by the Heritage Lottery Fund’s generous grant. St Philip’s is an exceptionally important historic building and the 2015 tercentenary project will help preserve this precious piece of the city’s heritage. But just as importantly the HLF’s grant will enable us to deliver a wide-ranging programme of activities which will be help get visitors and local people involved in, and learning about, the heritage of the cathedral and Birmingham as a whole.’