Armistice 2018 – St Edmundsbury Cathedral Poppy Drape

08th November 2018

Let us Fray: Reflections on a poppy drape.

A community project to create a poppy drape in St Eds Cathedral crossed generations and gender as everyone came together to individually design and stitch in memory of a loved one.

The poppy drape was just one community event to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War and it all started with pieces of red fabric and a simple poppy template made available through the Cathedral shop.

A small and varied group of volunteer stitchers met weekly for a couple of hours over a six week period – and what they produced was an Altar Frontal.

Now the piece has become central to a reflection on the commemoration written by ordinand Sarah Geileskey who asks people to think about diversity, about worth and value, and about promised hope for humankind and transformation.

You can find it here.